入库时间:2024-11-24 20:48
I am awestruck by this movie. Fast zombies that can use weapons, even guns, and are capable of intelligent thought. They plot a strategic offensive to take over the city, hitting the airport, then the TV stations and the power plant. If you love horror, gory, and violent movies and don't mind a little bad acting, then you will LOVE this movie. It is exciting and even a bit suspenseful. It starts out fast and hard and maintains a steady pace of mayhem and carnage.
I can't believe more people haven't seen this film. I have yet to meet a horror movie buff that has seen this film before. It is a true gemstone of European horror and exploitation, definitely up to par with the classics of the genre such as Zombi 2, Demons, House by the Cemetery, etc. And it's even readily available uncut (92 minutes) on DVD from Anchor Bay (under the title "Nightmare City") and on VHS under the title "City of the Walking Dead." Super gory and violent, a must for fans of Italian grind house flicks.
看看影院于2024-11-24 20:48添加的该影片噩梦城市因为雨果·史蒂格利茨,劳拉·特罗德尔等演员们给力,再加上剧情紧凑而有逻辑,剧情扣人心弦,令人难以抗拒,是一部不错的恐怖片。故事情节富有想象力,跨度广泛,展现了人物的成长和转变,让人深入思考生命的意义和价值。大家对影片的评价是:还行吧,中规中规。到目前为止本月已有 人次观看,本周新增 人次观看,希望大家喜欢。如果您被《保镖2024》情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或评论哦。网站第一时间收集和整理噩梦城市的完整资源,并第一时间为大家更新噩梦城市的最新动态。以上是《噩梦城市》的剧情介绍、主演导演介绍以及资源分享,如果你觉《噩梦城市》好看,请分享给你的朋友一起观看!